

Final Year




Internship is one of the mandatory courses that every VCD UMN student must follow. An internship is a simulation of how a student works in a company to experience the actual and expected working environment, where they could apply the knowledge gained during lectures.

By doing Internships, students are expected to be able to:

  1. Apply the knowledge that has been obtained during their studies.
  2. Understand technical matters in the Visual Communication Design field of work, either in companies, agencies, or institutions.
  3. Develop insight and can develop knowledge in the Design field generally and specifically.
  4. Gain soft skill experiences in companies/agencies/institutions where they do practical work to mentally prepare themselves and have a high work ethic, discipline, and professionalism.


Regular Internship

Total credits: 4
Academic Requirements:

  1. Students MUST have passed 100 credits in total.
  2. Students MUST have taken and passed the Academic Writing course with a minimum grade of C.
  3. Students MUST have a minimum GPA of 2.00.
  4. Students are NOT ALLOWED to have an E grade (applied to all courses).
  5. Students MUST repeat all courses with an E grade before taking the Internship.

There are three intership’s scenarios:

Internship’s Procedure Flow


Merdeka Internship

Total credits: 20
Academic Requirements:

  1. Students MUST have passed 90 credits in total.
  2. Students Have attended the internship briefing.
  3. Students have been accepted in their chosen workplace when making Course Selection Enrollment.
  4. Students MUST have a minimum GPA of 2.50.
  5. Students are NOT ALLOWED to have D and E grades (applied to all courses).
  6. Students MUST repeat all courses with D and E grades before taking the Internship.

There are two intership’s scenarios:

Internship’s Procedure Flow

Final Project

Final Project

Every student of the Visual Communication Design study program must take the Final Project Course with a weight of 6 credits as a graduation requirement, a notable achievement for students. For this course, each student has the right to choose between Creation-based Research (Final Project) or Assessment-based Research (Thesis).

The following are requirements that Final Project participants will face:

  1. Participants prepare, implement, and report research using data collection methods by drawing clear conclusions.
  2. The research topic raised is independent work, not replicating or duplicating existing research.
  3. The research topic has contributed to the development of the science of visual communication design.
  4. The research topic is chosen by participants according to their interests with the approval of the Supervisor and Final Project Coordinator regarding the requirements in the previous number.
  5. The research topic considers the values ​​of the code of ethics, aesthetics, functions, characteristics, prospects, and awareness of Indonesian culture.
  6. The research topic has a precise problem formulation
  7. During the research process, participants are under their supervisor’s regular guidance.
  8. In the research process, field studies (primary data) and literature studies (secondary data analysis) refer to related methodological disciplines, scientific writing procedures, and applicable report writing rules.
  9. The research results are reported, presented, and defended in 3 thesis defense sessions following the requirements of the relevant session.
  10. The final and most complete research results are accounted for academically in the final thesis defense and tested by the examiners. Except for the thesis, the final project is accompanied by screening or exhibition related to the design work based on the research topic.

Scope of Final Project

Visual Brand Design

  1. Identity (rebranding, visual identity, typefaces, etc)
  2. Information (Signage, etc)
  3. Persuasion (Promotions, Campaigns, etc)

Interaction Design

  1. 2D/3D assets and animation
  2. Interactive illustrations
  3. Interface design
  4. Experimental design


Scope of Thesis

Need to use approaches (theory/scientific) and methods as instruments in analyzing research objects. According to Piliang (2011), the approach in question is a scientific discipline as the starting point in viewing the studied object (p. 82), while the method is a way to achieve the research objectives specified (p. 84).