
As Student

Campus Life




Life at Gading Serpong

Universitas Multimedia Nusantara is located at Gading Serpong, one of the well-established independent residential areas in South Tangerang, flanked by two toll roads: the Jakarta-Merak toll road and the JORR-Serpong BSD toll road. Various modern facilities complement the needs of its residents and, of course, our students, where they can easily access multiple facilities around campus: malls, food markets, hotels, hospitals, etc. Students will definitely enjoy studying at UMN.

Campus Facilities

In order to support the Visual Communication study sessions, UMN provides Wifi and many kinds of complete and up-to-date facilities, according to industry standards. With the existing facilities, the students are expected to be more familiar with the industry’s current state and have competency with industry standards. Hence, it’ll make it easier for students to get a job, even when they haven’t graduated yet.

Campus Facilities

Lecture Theater

Lecture Theater is located in the D building. This room is used for combined classes or study sessions with invited or public lectures, seminars, socialization, and other student activities. Lecture Theater has a capacity of approximately 500 people.

Tower D, Level 1

Capacity: 500 people

Campus Facilities

Lecture Hall

Lecture Hall is located on the 3rd floor C building. This room is used for combined classes or study sessions with invited or public lectures, seminars, socialization, and other student activities. Lecture Hall has a capacity of approximately 150 people.

Tower C, Level 3

Capacity: 150 people

Campus Facilities

Function Hall

Function Hall is located in the A building, ground floor. This room is used for combined classes or study sessions with invited or public lectures, seminars, socialization, and other student activities. Lecture Hall has a capacity of approximately 500 people.

Tower A, Level 1

Capacity: 500 people

Campus Facilities

Theory Classroom

Theory Classroom is a classroom that is used for the theoretical learning process. This classroom supports academic subjects such as Design & Indonesian Culture, Creativity Theory, Introduction to Creative Business, Design Sociology, Visual Analysis, Design Method, and other courses.

Campus Facilities

Drawing Classroom

Class with a wide table is a class that’s used for practicum learning. This classroom supports practicum subjects such as Drawing Principles, Nirmana, Experimental Design, and other subjects.

Campus Facilities


UMN library has collections of complete books to support each study subject. The books are already divided into categories. There are also cubicles for students to read and do their tasks.

Monday – Friday | 08.00 – 19.00

Tower B, Level 1

Campus Facilities

Library Discussion Room

The Library Discussion Room consists of cubicles, Macintosh PC, and private discussion rooms. The capacity of the private discussion room is varied with different names; Tongkonan room, Honai room, Gadang room, Musalaki room, and Tambi room. Students can book these rooms beforehand on library.umn.ac.id.

Tower B, Level 2

Campus Facilities

Student Lounge

Student Lounge is located in tower B, level 3. This room can be used for UMN’s students and staff or whoever wants to do a discussion, continue their learning session, do their task, and do other activities. This room is also used for talk shows and workshop activities.

Tower B, Level 3

Social Environment

Social Environment

UMN Lobby

Every lobby’s entrance door is equipped with a ramp incline to allow anyone with disabilities with wheelchairs to arrive at the lobby and logistic needs such as using trolleys and other heavy objects.

Psychological Environment

Psychological Environment

Student Services

The Student Services office is located in Tower C, level 2. It’s a service for students who need help regarding lecture administration, such as a transcript or study result card. Student Services also help students to take care of lecture problems, for example: absent, student ID Card, and exams.

Monday – Friday | 08.00 – 17.00

Tower C, Level 2

Psychological Environment

Student Support

Student support is located in Tower C, level 2. Student support is a service for students who have learning difficulties, experience bullying, and other university life problems. Student Support also provides counseling, as well as Interest and Talent Tests (Tes Minat dan Bakat).

Monday – Friday | 08.00 – 17.00

Tower C, Level 2

Psychological Environment

Free Area

In Universitas Multimedia Nusantara environment, there are areas where students usually gather to do their tasks and do Student Activities Units.

Psychological Environment


UMN also has a park that can support the learning process. This park is often used as an object for learning courses that need natural things, such as Drawing Principles and Photography Principles. Besides that, the park is also a place to hang out.


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