Foundation Year
What Is Foundation Year?
Welcome new students of VCD UMN!
Foundation Year consists of two first semesters that new students must pass through. Those two semesters provide the new students with basic knowledge of arts and design before concentrating on two available majors:
New students must take all the packed subjects and credits. This website provides all the information needed for the new students to face the foundation year challenge. Keep up the spirit in creating and be the best version of yourself for your Almamater!
Rani Aryani Widjono, S.Sn., M.Ds.
Coordinator of Foundation Year Visual Communication Design
Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
About Foundation Year
1st Semester
In this first semester, the students will be introduced to the basic principles of arts and design, drawing principles, fundamental theories, design history, and the studio learning process inside laboratories, manually and digitally.
2nd Semester
In the second semester, students will learn deeper about anatomy drawing, photography, and digital arrangement by applying the understanding of design theory that has been learned in the first semester. At the end of the semester, the students will get to choose one of two majors; Visual Brand Design (BD) or Interaction Design (ID), thus the ending of Foundation Year.
Academic Advisors
An Academic Advisor is a lecturer accountable for guiding Foundation Year students in their academic and administrative. One (1) Academic Advisor will guide each Foundation class. The students are required to attend Academic Guidance at least thrice (3) in one semester (before Course Selection Enrollment, before the mid-term exam, and before the final exam) with their Academic Advisor. Content of your matters (problem, complaints, and suggestions) should be focused on while attending the Academic Guidance, such as:
Your academic condition including:
- class learning progress
- attendance
- tasks
- quizzes
- exams
The academic service’s condition, such as:
- administration
- student service
- facilities
- infrastructure
The student’s activities condition, such as:
- student’s associations
- student activities unit
- social activities
- events
Your talent and interest, which will be related to your choice of major in the 3rd semester
Other conditions that bother your concentration and your educational process in Visual Communication Design at UMN.
Majors Selection
Visual Brand Design
Delivers graduates that can analyze, design, and implicate design communication through visual brand identity design, brand communication, and campaign conceptually, creatively, and innovatively with social, cultural, economic, and technology reasoning.
Interaction Design
Delivers graduates that can analyze, design, and implicate interactivity through interactive visual design conceptually, creatively, and innovatively with social, cultural, economic, and technology reasoning.
Major Selection Process
After Foundation Year (first and second semester), you will have to go through the Major Selection Process to decide on a major.
This process includes:
Evaluation of Academic Performance: We will review your grades’ transcript score to see what major is the most suitable for you.
Counseling Sessions: We provide an Academic Advisor for each student to determine their interests, talents, career path, etc.
Major Seminars: Choosing one major may not be easy. Hence, we also held seminars describing each major (BD & ID). We also invite our alumni and professionals representing each major to give you a better and clearer view of your future career.
Administration Form Submission: Lastly, after you’ve decided on the major of your choice, you’ll have to sign certain documents with the approval of your parents/guardian and your advisor.
Don’t worry; your Academic Advisor will guide you through this!
Let’s meet your ARCUS mentor!
ARCUS consists of the 2nd and 3rd-year students who are accountable for helping the juniors get through their foundation year. One (1) Foundation class will have two (2) ARCUS who are ready to answer your questions, provide advice, and lend a hand to those who need help regarding lectures and learning activities. For further info and questions, don’t hesitate to contact your Academic Advisor, ARCUS, or Ms. Rani Aryani Widjono (The Foundation Year Coordinator of VCD UMN), in Rectorate tower A, level 8.
Your Advisor and ARCUS, Foundation Year – Class of 2021
Class | Advisor | Arcus | |
A | Chara Susanti | Tiffani Aurelia Puspita | [email protected] |
Elizabeth Louis | [email protected] | ||
B | Andy Mardany | Grace Timothy | [email protected] |
Maria Felicia | [email protected] | ||
C | Immamul | Airin Livia Tiendratama | [email protected] |
Andrea Batari | [email protected] | ||
D | Ramdhani Mangku Alam | Alifiah Azzahra Madina Akbar | [email protected] |
Belinda Rosalyn | [email protected] | ||
E | Ardyansyah | Felisia Bunneary | [email protected] |
Christopher Kenzi Kennedy | [email protected] | ||
F | Maria Elena | Angelina Lim | [email protected] |
Michelle Maumaya | [email protected] | ||
G | Rezki Gautama | Rhenaldy | [email protected] |
Caroline Thefany | [email protected] | ||
H | Indra Surya | Brigita Valencia Lauren | [email protected] |
Aliya Andarika Lestariningtyas | [email protected] | ||
I | Leonardo Adi Dharma Widya | Crysthalia Thomas | [email protected] |
Viriyana Sukur Suryanto | [email protected] | ||
J | Ari Santosa | Medina Berlian Salsabila | [email protected] |
Vanny Aprilia | [email protected] | ||
K | Itta Ernawati | Angelia Pratiwi Cahyadi | [email protected] |
Aflahul Hartsa Kelana | [email protected] | ||
L | Pirie | Marshanda Fitri Maharani | [email protected] |
Mohammad Dody Alfayadh | [email protected] | ||
M | Andang Iskandar | Michiko Mora Arnosia | [email protected] |
Farah Raissa | [email protected] |
Foundation Year ARCUS Team
Jabatan | Nama |
President | Catherine Citta Dewi Maharani |
Vice President | Yola Fransiska |
Secretary | Nadia Noor Shabrina |
ARCUS Coordinator | Michiko Mora Arnosia |
Crystalia Thomas | |
Visual Coordinator | Valent Krisly |
Visual Team | Rio Natan Herlambang |
Jessica Chandra | |
Nicholas Devin Kristiawan | |
Muhammad Bryanking Kusuma | |
Shera Amira Rinaldy | |
Publication Coordinator | Nadia Noor Shabrina |
Publication Team | Nadya Nur Fadhilah |
Documentation Coordinator | Jenioosa Dias Efrata |
Documentation Team | Jonah Nadjamachinka |
Dimas Putra Widodo |
Foundation Year Tips
Congratulations on starting college for Foundation Year Students. You will immediately be enrolled in the KRS process because you’re still using a packaged system of Foundation Year. Here are a few things that you should pay attention to this semester:
- Start to find friends and colleagues to share information and support each other. You can do it during the new student orientation (OMB).
- Search references for available courses as much as you can. Literacy reference books can be found in the UMN library.
- Find information about the use of facilities and infrastructures owned by UMN to support your studies.
- Understand the curriculum handbook, academic guidance, and student guidance to thoroughly understand lessons’ procedures and rules, including student activities in UMN.
- Learn about the UMN environment, especially the public facilities and transport, to make your activities around the campus more accessible.
- Don’t hesitate to ask your lecturer or the other campus staff whenever you’re confused. Ensure you ask the correct division/unit to get the right answer.
- In Foundation Year, you’ll learn fundamental courses. Make sure you’re always practicing over and over because your essential skill won’t be mastered instantly but trained as much as possible.
- You’ll also face new Foundation Year’s courses and meet new lecturers. At the first meeting, ensure you know your lecturer of each subject, take note of their contacts (email/phone number) and get clear information about the rules and procedure, such as grade arrangement.
- Get a literature list that will be used in each course, and ensure that you get them, physically or digitally, as soon as possible. You may use the library facilities!
- If your studio class gets a Student Assistant (ASMA), get their contact and discuss lecture tips frequently.
- Reread each of the courses’ rules, don’t arrive late. For general courses, do not miss the mid-term test and be proactive in class while maintaining your behavior and attitude.
- Information about study majors will be announced in each class before the mid-term exam. Try to find the information from Foundation Friends or Academic Advisor. Competencies information is also available on this website.
- Download Major Form (clickable text link to Resources Page) and standard Art Label (clickable text link to Brand Identity Page) for each studio/mid-term/final exam (can be both in color/B&W)
- Always use the official email of yours to make correspondences with your lecturer/friend. It will help the lecturer to know and verify you as a student of UMN easier.
- Always bring and wear your Student ID Card for tapping at class to keep your attendance updated and verified. Most of UMN’s facilities can be benefited by showing your Student ID Card. Report to the student service as soon as possible if your Student ID Card is lost or broken.
- Join the official UMN VCD Facebook group (based on your batch) and follow VCD’s official Instagram (@dkv_umn) for getting further up-to-date information.